- 2009
- Worldwide in DFS
- Unknown copies
Absolut Vodka 1l blue with an exclusive Monocle travel guide bonus topper.
It’s an exclusive collaboration with Monocle, the global affairs magazine created by Tyler Brûlé, Editor-in-Chief of the publication.
The new issue of the The ultimate Monocle travel guide boasts a special In An Absolut World travel guide with 12 selected features identifying the magazine’s ideal destination.
“As a special bonus to our ultimate travel guide we have compiled our favourite features from our most loved destinations and asked Satoshi Hashimoto (one of our favourite illustrators) to render the elements we’d like to see punctuate a perfect destination In An Absolut World,” Brûlé wrote in his foreword.
“Our international outlook is at the core of what we do,” said Brûlé. “We enjoyed creating this nifty, pocket sized global traveller’s handbook with Absolut, designed to be an intelligent addition to any trip – whether business or pleasure.”